Monday, November 15, 2010

Welcome to Junior High

I am over 40 and I am fairly intelligent.  Most of the time, I am fairly confident, but wow! the whole Bloggy Boot Camp thing threw me for a loop.  I packed and unpacked.  I agonized over my clothes.  I agonized over the size of my butt and the fact that my shoes are dumb.  I told The Dad that I would be the only frumpy person there and no one would talk to me. 
Quite frankly, I turned into the person I'd been at 13. 
The Dad calmed my nerves and reminded me that he believes all the Twitter ladies are serial killers and what did I care if serial killers liked my shoes or not?  (By the way, he has met @nettefrawl and @supernovia, and he realizes that they are not, in fact, serial killers.)
By the time I got to dinner Friday night, I had worked myself back into a frenzy of uncoolness. 
I walked into the restaurant with a lot of trepidation, but decided to pretend to be cool.
I recognized some of my twitter friends and introduced myself and that's all it took.  I had a great time. 

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