Dinner went so smoothly today that I began thinking about all my other Thanksgivings.
1992: cooking dinner with The Dad for the first time. I believe we ate about 9 PM.
1994: Eating dinner at 10:30 AM so that The Dad could get to work on time.
1997: Fred's first Thanksgiving. I was pregnant with Bub and I remember I had to put maternity clothes on that day. I also remember Fred giving herself a mashed potato facial and scalp treatment that took forever to clean up.
1998: Bub's first Thanksgiving. We ended traveled to my parents' in Idaho and Bub discovered the beauty of Thanksgiving rolls.
2001: Our first Thanksgiving with Nash and G.
2005: The year we grew our own turkeys. Home grown turkeys DO NOT taste better than the ones from the freezer. They are a giant pain in the ass. The are stupid. And no one warns the home turkey grower that the stinkin' things will just keep growing until they won't fit in the oven. I could go on. Would you like to know about pulling feathers out with pliers? Sawing the turkey into pieces so it could be cooked? The mom crying in her bedroom because the turkey wouldn't cook? Yea. I didn't think so.
2009: The first Thanksgiving without my mom. She died about 10 days before Thanksgiving and it was a surreal day. Normally, The Dad and I and our kids just have Thanksgiving together, but my dad, sister, brother-in-law, and niece came out for the day. Everything tasted good, but the day was just so strange.
2010: Everyone cooked together and cleaned together. Isn't that the way the day should be?
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