Thursday, October 21, 2010

Starting Out

So seriously, I've been thinking of doing this for a long time.  I read other people's blogs.  I have words in my head, but I have procrastinated.  Now it is being forced upon me because I am taking a class.

So now I'm posing as a blogger.  It took me a long time to not feel that I was posing as a teacher, and I still, quite often, feel that I am posing as a mom and wife. 

Who will read my words?  I guess that's what made me procrastinate in the first place.  What if someone reads them and thinks I'm stupid?  What if no one reads them?

I've made the first step.  I'm sure I will have lots to say in the future about teaching, living in isolation, being a mom, diabetes, and all the other things that make up my world. 

1 comment:

  1. I will read. And I will never think you're stupid.

    Glad you've joined the blogging crew! :D
