Wednesday, July 27, 2011


My little 4 1/2 year old self was so mad.  Why did they want another baby if the had me?  I was perfect after all.  Nope, you came home anyway.
Now I realize all I would have missed out on without you.  You have talents and gifts I wish I had.  You are generous, compassionate, and stylish.  You took care of Mom when she was dying.  You can play more than "From a Wigwam" on the piano.  Your phone calls got me through Garett's diagnosis.
I am so thankful that Heavenly Father put you in our home.


  1. I always wanted a little sister.

    I guess instead I need to be the best little sister I can be.

  2. We are still asking for another brother, but it's no-go at this stage. : )

  3. That is the same age difference as my brother and I. They named him Jonathan, because David and Jonathan were best friends in the Bible. It worked, we have gotten along well ever since. I always wanted a sister though, just one. Just to know what it was like.
